Friday, January 18, 2013

Gearing up

Judging by the amount of hockey-themed artwork I am finding on Liam's desk these days, I'd say that someone is really, really excited about hockey starting up again this weekend.
Poor guy - it has been hard on him having the NHL lockout go on for so long. He is all hockey, all the time, so that was a long dry spell! We will definitely have the TV on on Saturday. I know some people intend to boycott the NHL for the rest of the season, but I can't imagine denying Liam so much joy any longer.
This one is from over the holidays, before the NHL strike ended. The World Juniors championship was a bright spot in a season that otherwise lacked any hockey at all. Liam came up with this playoff chart that he faithfully updated every day. In this day and age of DVR's he never had to wake up at 4 a.m. to watch a game, but I bet he would have if that had been the only way to see it. (Not sure why there is always one goofy picture I can never rotate around!)
And just to prove that he thinks of others just as much as himself, he has been busy working on a birthday present of his own for Jenna in preparation for the party Mallory is throwing tomorrow. He has been painting bits of cardboard and hoarding toilet paper tubes, and when I stumbled across these plans on his desk, I think I figured out why. Production has slowed down somewhat in recent days though, so I am not sure whether he will see it through to completion. Starting a project full-tilt and then losing the motivation to see it through - I wonder where he gets that from?? It's like looking into a mirror. :)

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