Monday, October 14, 2013

Thanks a lot

I was admonished at family gatherings this weekend (and again this morning, I see - thanks for your concern!) for my nearly-monthlong absence, which was due not to illness or tragedy but rather laziness. I thought this was going to be the end of the blog, but hey, I'm back. At least temporarily! In the spirit of Thanksgiving, here is a Thanksgiving song that Mallory wrote. She is one month into piano lessons and she thinks she is all that and a bag of chips when it comes to music now. I say that in jest though. That she would pick up and write a song, even one that's not quite ready for radio, really blew me away.


Kathryn said...

My imagination was running wild too - good to know it was just good honest laziness :)

Kathy said...

a budding Mozart with a twist of Alice Munro for the lyrics! :)

Anonymous said...

What ever you do don't stop the blog. You are one of the few who have kept it up and what a fantastic record you've kept for your whole family to enjoy for years to come.