Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Game, set, match

This was the scene last Saturday on the tennis court that's down the path from our house. Chad is in heaven, because Liam is finally old enough to play tennis with him. It started out a few weeks ago with them hitting the ball against the wall at home. Then they hit the ball against the wall at school, and then they backed the cars out of the garage and played in there for a while. Finally, Liam was ready to try hitting over the net, and they had an impressive rally going by the time Mallory and I rode our bikes over to say hello.

Liam was pretty proud of himself. He understood the basics pretty quickly, and has been watching Wimbledon to learn some of the finer nuances this week.

Mallory does not like being left out. She made the perfect ball girl. Well, for about ten retrievals, anyway. Then she got kind of bored and wandered off.

I love this shot of Liam starting the ride home, racquet slung over his shoulder and ball cap dangling from his handlebar. I wonder if this is how Djokovic got his start??

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