Thursday, September 6, 2012


Here's the official back-to-school picture for the 12/13 school year. But it did not come easily.
Mallory was quite excited about school. She made a card for her teacher: "To Mrs G. I love you. I missed you. I hope you had a good summer." She picked out her clothes and even asked me to curl her hair that morning.

I took her to the front porch for a couple of pictures and this (above) is the face I got. I should have known then that there would be trouble.
We went to school. We dropped Liam off at the primary playground, then went back to the kindergarten playground. And, to make a long story short, the principal of the school wound up carrying Mallory in, kicking and screaming. She grew more and more anxious with every minute that passed until she was finally crying and holding onto my leg for dear life, and nobody could pull her off - not me, not her teacher, and not the new vice-principal. Luckily the principal is a big man and a bit of force did the trick.
As he carried Mallory off, her teacher waved from the door, "I'm sure she'll have a wonderful day!" And I didn't doubt that one bit. I was sure that as soon as I was out of sight, she would settle in and love it again, like she did last year. And a phone call from her teacher over the lunch hour confirmed it.

(Only that second shot, where she looks well-groomed, was taken before school. I had my camera at the school drop-off but there was nothing to take pictures of this year because I could not pry her off of me! The rest of the pictures, where she is definitely more disheveled, were taken after school.)
This all happened on Wednesday, which was Mallory's first day. Liam had his first day on Tuesday and he was A-OK with it. He's an old pro now.
And no, your eyes are not deceiving you - there is a hole in Liam's mouth in these pictures. His first tooth fell out the day we came home from our trip. Luckily it didn't happen a day sooner or the tooth fairy might have had to pay with American cash.

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