Sunday, March 4, 2012

On track

Today, I was supposed to run 13.1 miles at the Chilly Half Marathon. That obviously didn't happen. Instead, I ran 8 miles yesterday morning on the treadmill. (Usually I hate running on the treadmill, but the gale force winds outside convinced me it was the right thing to do. And OK, I admit it: I also rented "Breaking Dawn: Part 1" and watched that while running to keep me going!) As a result, I was pretty much useless the rest of the weekend - I was just too tired to start any projects. The good news, though, is that I did it, and I have a little less than two months to work up another 5 miles so I can do 13.1 at the London Half Marathon. I am back in the saddle.

In other news, check out Liam and the shape drawing he made. I am told that his giraffe involving 19 triangles and 10 diamonds is legendary in the Grade 1 classroom. A budding genius, right??


Christina Wood said...

That's pretty good, actually.

megan said...

I totally thought that was a lion with the sun as the head and the rays as his mane. Still very cool, way to go Liam!