Monday, April 16, 2012

Seventh heaven

SOMEBODY in our house is seven years old now. Holy cow. How did this happen? I know I say the same thing every year. Wah wah wah, the kids are getting older, I can't believe how fast it's going. But this time I have to say, truthfully, that it just keeps getting better. I loved my kids when they were small and chubby-cheeked and couldn't pronounce anything properly. And I love them even more now that we can hang out together and share interests and have conversations. I love the way Liam likes to call, "Incoming!" - and then launch something (nonbreakable) across the room. I love the way he watches Sports Center last thing at night and first thing in the morning to keep up-t0-date on the NHL. I love that, now that spring is here, he begs me to go for bike rides together. I love to read the papers that come home from school, with snippets he has written about books he likes or what he did on the weekend or what his favourite food is and why. I love that I know him more every day not just as my child, but as a person, one whose company I truly enjoy.On Friday we made some cupcakes to celebrate this very special person. We had pizza for dinner (his request), opened some gifts, and lit up a number 7 sparkler just for him. He promptly imitated his dad and made Mallory laugh by attempting to blow it out. Then we called it a night, relatively early. The birthday was over, but the celebrating continued the next day with the birthday bash. More on that in a bit.


jenn said...

Once again, when you are printing pics...that 2nd one of L Man! love it!! (5x7 pretty, pretty please!:)

Carrie Cook said...
