Thursday, June 14, 2012


OK, so I retract the earlier statement. It doesn't go the whole way up to his shoulders; it actually cuts off where his shirt sleeves end. It does, however, go right up to his crotch, which is weird because he is always wearing knee-length shorts... so how did his upper thighs get so exposed?

This morning he was bad enough that we took him to the doctor, and the official diagnosis was: poison ivy. Or some other equally-irritating plant encounter. He was prescribed a steroid cream, which we were told not to use unless it was absolutely necessary. So, go figure with that one. Do you want us to use it or not??

He stayed home from school today but is not infectious (we washed his bedding and towels anyway) so he will go back tomorrow. I assume I should use some sunscreen on him, but kind of question the wisdom of layering that on top of everything else that's going on. Maybe we'll use the spray so at least we don't have to rub at it.

Oh yeah, and that awesome farmer's tan he's sporting? That's what happens when you wear a rash guard when you swim. At this rate he's going to look awfully funny by the end of August.


Anonymous said...

Really use the steroid cream with caution! It thins the skins and increases sun sensitivity - ie burns quicker! Something I'm sure your little redhead doesn't need (so don't slip the sunscreen if you do use it!;)

Jenn said...

Liam does NOT look impressed! Did you try the bath? hope he is feeling better soon! :)

Carrie Cook said...

We never had to go as far as the bath. (Good thing, too. I wasn't sure that I could pulverize the oatmeal into pieces small enough to go down the drain!) I know he looks unpleasant here, but this rash he woke up with today is actually much improved over yesterday... wanted one small area swabbed with cream before bed tonight but that was it. I think he is officially on the mend, even if he does still look horrific!

jenn said...

you'd never know anything was ever bothering him by the way he was tonight! (and he does not look horrific, lol, just a little unhappy!) So good to see you guys...let's do it again soon!

Dawn said...

Eric is EXTREMELY allergic to poison ivy and that looks pretty terrible. He just had it this week too, poor guys! Poor Liam, that looks like he rolled right in it. HIGH HEAT to launder anything he wore. Need to get rid of the oil.