Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Right now, the kids are at Camp Gramma and Grampa, out at the trailer. We dropped them off Monday night and they are coming home tonight.
Tuesday was supposed to be this awesome, what-will-we-do-with-ourselves-with-so-much-time-on-our-hands kind of day. But I woke up not feeling well, so I deferred my workout until evening.
Then it poured all day long, I got home later than I wanted to, and as soon as I had changed into my cycling shorts + helmet + gloves + had water bottle ready to go... I was wheeling my bike out the door, and the thunder started rumbling again. I am way too chicken to go out in a thunderstorm; I don't even like to bike when the pavement is wet.
So then I thought, maybe I'll go for a swim instead. Except... oh yeah... my local pool is closed for resurfacing. OK, I'll make the drive out to Blenheim. Except that I got online to check the schedule... oh yeah... no open swims in Blenheim on Tuesday night.
So I made dinner... and the minute we were done eating, the power went out. So, no watching the movies I have recorded, no searching my hard drive for photos someone requested, no placing a photo order or RSVPing to birthday party invitations... no getting a bit of work done from home. I figured I would use the chance to catch up the kids' paper-n-paste based school scrapbooks, now that the school year is over, but I gave up on that after a while because with so many clouds in the sky, it was just too dark.
The power came back on a couple of hours later. Pretty much right in time for bed. So much for our awesome we'll-have-a-blast-without-the-kids day.
On the bright side, the kids are going back to Camp Gramma and Grampa again in August for a couple of days, so we get to try again. And also on the bright side, at least dinner was done cooking before the power went out. Not sure I would have wanted to attempt eating salmon that was still raw in the middle.

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